Single Platform for Complete Field Force Management

 In the past, field force management has been chaotic due to the lack of technical structure and support. With the advent of remote working, companies now understand the role technology can play in employee management. 

The bigger lesson companies have learned, however, is how to keep the field and remote operations simpler. Using field force management software is ideal to reduce confusion and increase productivity! Let us see how. 

Single Platform for Complete Field Force Management

Disadvantages of Using Multiple Platforms 

Field executives don’t get to coordinate in person as much as office employees do. Hence, their chances of miscommunication and haphazard coordination are higher.

Sure, specific problem-based managing platforms can solve all issues separately. Using multiple free platforms can be beneficial for the company on the team management budget front. Managers use Calendy for managing attendance, Trello for tasks, and Whatsapp for coordination. However, the disadvantages are enough to overshadow the budgetary benefits:

For Executives

  • Multiple applications or software take extra space on their devices 

  • Having to remember multiple log-in information 

  • Wasting time exploring multiple interfaces

  • Confusion while task coordination since no one place has everything they need 

For Managers 

  • Having to supervise and tally information from multiple sources 

  • Organizing information that goes into each platform 

  • Having to fish into several platforms to get the required information 

What One-Platform Field Force Management Looks Like 

Field force management is all about making field operations as simple as possible. Therefore, software such as TrackField ensures catering to all field force requirements in one place. Here are some features field force management offers:

  • Smart Attendance: With smart filters and restrictions, executives can only enter ethical attendance. Moreover, they get to apply for leaves and check the holiday calendar, all in one place. 

  • Task Management: Both executives and managers can create detailed to-do lists. Therefore, task management becomes simpler and more streamlined

  • Tracking: The software is integrated with executives’ GPS-enabled devices. Therefore, managers can assign new tasks while checking executives’ locations on the same platform. 

  • Document Management - gone are the days of extensive paperwork. Executives can upload all documents on one platform to create organized employee profiles.

  • Task Coordination - Through integrated chat boxes, all conversations can stay in one place. Therefore, all data and information stay in one place.  

Simplify Field Force Management 

If you want your field operations manager to not burn out, you should consider using field force management software. TrackoField makes operations simpler and increases productivity by going beyond tracking. So, what are you waiting for? Get a demo now!
